Friday 15 November 2013

RamarpaNam 404 => 410.

Jai Sri Ram.
Vali's Royal Edict and Tara's Revelation :
Vali by way of parting advice to Sugreeva :
Wants him to faster Angada as his son and he who is an advance guard in eliminating the demons.
Tara, the daughter of SusheNa, is capable of being a good Minister in his deciding when and what to act, though Vali ignoring her words invited his own down fall.
Sugreeva having promised should assist in Raghava's mission to locate Seetha and if un-accomplished will be even punished for failing to keep up the words exchanged at the Altar of Fire. Presenting the kanchana-mAla to Sugreeva, he asks him to assume the authority of Kishkindha and breathed his last.
Tara came out to countenance Rama, as He only killed Vali. Angadha with the same visage had reason to be angry with Sugreeva. Sugreeva instead of rejoicing his victory, felt guilty of being the cause for Vali's death, who had veiled good-will for his brother.
Both Sugreeva and Tara mourning deeply Vali's death lamented in a way that the two seeking to die with Vali sought Rama's permission to enter the funeral pyre while Tara wish to be killed with the same arrow that finished Vali, such that she can meet her husband in heaven. She craved saying Vali's separation will be more agonising than that.
Seeing the Empress wail bitterly, much alike others Angada also is doubtful of sustaining his life, Sugreeva says backsliding his heart that he is not taking delight in accepting the kingdom. ''Killing me is not in the intent of Vali but my intent is life taking devoid of honesty. The sin I derived by killing my brother make me ineligible to be crowned as King. I wish to enter fire seeking amity with him. The rest of the monkeys will search for Seetha duly conducting themselves under your control'' On hearing Sugreeva say these Rama for a moment got perturbed with the His eyes moistened.
Tara advanced towards that Rama wanting to hurl swears at Him. But Rama with his bow and arrow in his hands stood gleaming like a sun and His graceful eyes made her hail all His attributes, in no less measures to the Azhwars.
Rama, You are an (1) indeterminable one, an (2) inaccessible one, one who has (3) self conquered, the supreme among the (4) righteous, your (5) glory is unmitigated, and you are (6) the one neither to be limited or discernible by Time, Space or Matter and (7) in endurance earth-like, and (8) your eyes are blood streaked like the sun and the moon, scorching the opposed and caressing the devout.
Her addressing Rama in singular as 'You' is interpretted in two ways. One that Rama lowered Himself to a human form from His high esteem as a Supreme Being and the ease with which He has made Himself approachable and accostable.
Second is that Tara revers her husband Vali as God and so would address Rama as 'Tvam' instead of 'Bhavan' or the like.
The immaculate Soul attains the ''8'' attributes on entering the world of no return. What Tara enlists are perhaps the ''ashta vidha Avirbhagam'' in God when He descends to our world in Human form.

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