Saturday 23 November 2013

RamarpaNam 412 => 415.

Jai Sri Ram.
Rama at Mt. MaalyavAn :
With the on set of rainy season, Rama decides to stay in Mt. Prasavana while the newly enthroned Sugreeva entered his city of Kishkindha to enjoy the happy times united with his wives as well as the luxuries of ascending the Royal couch. Owing to the magnitude involved in the task of tracking down Ravana, Rama decides to wait abidingly looking forward to the Automnal season and the generosity of Sugreeva to undertake his search for Seetha.
Rama is impressed by the rich flora and fauna found at the mountain scaling the east flowing Tungabhadra, which according to Him is comparable to the Himalayas adjoining the River Ganga. With hundreds of waterfowls like swans, geese and ducks cherishing it, screeches of peacocks and crackles of birds on shore reverberating, this gracious river is heart-pleasing, extolled Rama. But the bliss around did not however enchant Him, especially Seetha is away and Her where abouts not known. The just risen moon on the eastern mountain compound His agony with sleep refusing to grace when in bed. His wistful thought made Lakshmana sad too, not that Urmila is away from him but for the yearnings of Rama. ''Enough on this anguish. Do not sink disheartend'', so saying Lakshmana rejuvenated Him. What ever Lakshmana said to Him here are not some thing which Rama is unaware but were said to serve as reminder to Him.
1. He who Trusts God, knows Dharma and is zealous will refrain from grief. Or
2. Is He wanting in strength or ability?
3. Or has no one to support? -- parried Lakshmana.
Rama has all the three and in full measure and should therefore grieve not. He shall root out agony. Wait patiently. If Rainy days are in, can Autumn be far behind? -- questioned he to rekindle the sleeping vitality in Rama. Thus invigorated Rama replied in a reassuring way saying ''Yes - distress is retroactive and I shall cast off the same looking for the kind-heartiness of Sugreeva that he will honour his commitments.
Sage Valmiki gives a good account of the rainy season in the words of Rama.
The rain waters drawn from the ocean by the suns' rays consolidate for a period of 8 months from November to June i.e. between the Tamil months, Krutika-November to Ashada-June. In the next four month between June and November at the arrival of South-west monsoon, rain commences in Kerala and progress towards Delhi and then returns as North-east monsoon to the coasts of Orissa, Andhra and Tamil Nadu in the month of Krutika (November). Kishkinda is in North Karnataka region and the rain starts here in the early part of the season itself.
Vishnu, the presiding Deity in Sun, causes the clouds. Varuna, the rain-God, reside in these clouds and Indra the Commander-in-chief of the five elements, causes the clouds to release the water, with his lightning hand and thunderous voice. This science of Heavens' labour is Rain, the life stimulant on earth.
Back in Ayodhya Bharata might have undertaken the 'four-month-vow' - ChAtur-mAsya virudam and the people staying in-doors learn and sing the Vedas. The down pour on earth looks as though Seetha is out pouring with tears. The mountains afront, pinnacled by the fully bloomed Arjuna and Ketaka flowers, level equal to Sugreeva, who is anointed recently.
Getting a break for the rainy season, Sugreeva lavishly indulges in sensual pleasures, delegating all the activities of the Kingdom to his ministers. Just as the Autum arrive, Hanuman approaches Sugreeva to enlighten him thus:
''The task of searching for Vaidehi is delayed, oh, Sugreeva, let it be done. Certainly Rama has carried out our mission previously and it is now your turn to carry through his mission. So it will be apt to summon the millions of unchallengeable monkeys under your command for searching Seetha. Why delay, order them so'', exerted Hanuman, in his usual heart-pleasing manner, delivering what is hitham and pathyam (that which bestows good) to Sugreeva.

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