Monday 9 December 2013

RamarpaNam # 421 => 427.

Jai Sri Ram.
Rama reproves but pardons as Sugreeva apologises for the delay :
Lakshmana's anger is justified in one sense that when Rama is aggrieved and wilting under the strain of Seetha's separation, Sugreeva lavished in new found Royal luxuries enjoying his re-union with Ruma, his first wife and Tara, the newly wed one. Tara who is asked to step out to appease Lakshmana, succeeds as well in tranquilising his fury, like a ferocious serpent tamed by a charmer. The digging words with which She countered Lakshmana's anger are interesting to elaborate.
''sel idaththu kAppan sinam kAppAn'' goes a Tamil proverb which means that the Mighty absolving with restraint, the mistake of a Weak is a virtue. What is illegitimate, according to her is Lakshmana's anger and not Sugreeva's sensual indulgence. Weakness for wine and women is as bad as misplaced anger. They are the twin children of ''rajas'' quality. Sharp intelligence combined with good self-counselling will help conquer both.
When sages like Vishvamitra faltered on both counts, why to speak of monkeys, the tree climbers typical of Waverly thought and deeds. Sage Vishvamitra, his Tutor, rescinded ascetic dharma facinated by a woman named KruthAji and begot Shakunthala through Menaka. His fury for the sake of securing Nandhini, the heavenly cow from Vashita are the in-famous legends about him.
Lakshmana's angry postures, evoked fear in the she-monkeys gathered around while Tara wanted that to be directed against the Rakshasas who really deserve his punishment.
Lakshmana always remains in the company of Rama and how come he is away from Rama so long, She asked. This made Lakshmana rise his head in be wilderness, to have a look at Tara, who stood there in widows' garb. According to Kambar she is not remarried to Sugreeva and so Lakshmana's thoughts travelled back to Ayodhya immediately bringing the three widowed mothers to his sight, languishing in sorrow after the Kings's death..
According to Sage Valmiki however, Tara is re-married to Sugreeva after Vali's death, as is permitted in their custom. She props up before Lakshmana straight from her husband's couch, without out even setting to place her dress and other belongings on person. Perhaps she considers Lakshmana her another son and hence was not bothered to present herself as to a stranger.
She tried to offer fruits and millets with honey to Lakshmana with cajoling words of praise. Rama is bound by His promise to His mother but Lakshmana has no such commitment. So he can enliven his life, she suggested. Praising his self-less service to Rama She also said that he is unique in that.
Sugreeva is neither callous nor ungrateful. He is actually waiting for the arrival of the monkeys enemas from all directions, for which words have been sent already. He will rather forsake Tara, Angada or even Ruma but never his words of help under friendship to Rama. Vanara armies on earth are coming for confronting Ravana in the battle and hence the delay, She concluded.
Lakshmana however is unmoved of the words of praise nor was he lured by the offer of fruits to him. His resolve in that is ''to eat or taste things not offered to Rama are but dog bitten waste''.
Lord Krishna in His Divine Song, Gita emphasises the same thought and declares that He who eats things not offered to one's Deity, eats sin unto himself.
Seeing Lakshmana return to normal self, Sugreeva's fear as well his urge for woman died. Offering his resolve to set in motion the search campain, he explained that the whole monkey race spread over the hills of Mandira, Himachal, Kailash, Vindhya and Pandu peeks as well as the one, as strong as elephants, from Anjana Giri are all ordered to assemble in Kishkinda. ''This is my order'', Sugreeva proclaimed.
Sugreeva is known for his harsh punishments in that he for one when convinced will enquire the guilt ordering capital punishment in the first place.
Meanwhile Lakshmana along with Sugreeva and his select ministers seated on a palanquin and all the royal paraphernalia accompanying, paraded to Mt. Prasnavana, where Rama is staying, awaitedly.
Sugreeva, gracing Rama's blessings informed the preparedness to search Seetha and sought His orders as to how and where to proceed. Rama confining Himself to seeker of help, wished that Sugreeva command his army, to a meaningful end. On assertaining that Sugreeva is at his job, Rama is pleased and praised him for his efforts, saying that the Sun and Moon are obliged to do their duty for the sake of grateful friends like him.
As they were talking in this manner, information from various sources started pouring in as to which group under whose leadership monkeys are arriving with their number and strength detailed one after another. The entire place is then filled with various types of monkeys from all over the earth, each one vying to dedicate in the service of Rama.

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