Saturday 14 December 2013

RamarpaNam # 433 =>440.

Jai Sri Ram.
Angada's ''nirvedam'' and Anjaneya's ''bedam'' :
The chief of monkey army who went to the east, north, and west directions all returned to inform that search for Seetha failed leaving the hope for Sugreeva on Hanuman and his party who have gone in the direction in which Seetha was carried away.
Angada and others making search in the Vindhya mountain could not meet with success as well. When their search ended in futility, Angada with his speech needed to encourage the vanara said :
1. There is no use losing heart in the middle of the search and the need of the hour being
2. Firmness of mind
3. Skillful approach and
4. un-stoppable attitude against odds of defeat or failure.
Rather all good acts should have happy ending as other wise Dharma will perish, with no takers. Lack of success thus far is due to lack of whole hearted effort. At the least to avoid Sugreeva's wrath, all the monkeys shall implement his directive, he desired.
Against the odds of thirst and hunger, they are now energised by Angada's speech and started searching the Vindhya ranges, over again. While making their search in southern direction, they entered a dark and un-inhibited cave and lost their way as well as the time set by Sugreeva.
As per the legend Swayamprabha, a saintly lady is guarding the cave-palace born out of love and crafted by Maya for the sake of one Hema, an Apsara woman. Indra got infuriated by this and killed him out of jealousy. Swayamprabha, her lady maid, is guarding this fantastic creation ever since their departure. She acting as their guest, offered fruits and eatables ending the appetite of all the monkeys. As the time frame set by Sugreeva lapsed already, Swayamprabha using her ascetic powers transported the monkeys from in side the cave, to the beaches of the southern Indian ocean. This exit otherwise would be impossible for for them to get away alive.
The time frame of one month fixed by Sugreeva has lapsed and Seetha's where about yet to be ascertained. In the circumstance, Angada suggests to undertake fast unto death as they can not return to Kishkindha, for fear of death in the hands of Sugreeva. Angada especially making a connection of the past events to his ill-luck, felt Sugreeva will use this chance to eliminate him, as he only caused his father, Vali''s death and wasted no time to usurp his mother, Tara, belying the dharma or virtue he professes. He then made the other monkeys buy this argument and all together decide to lay their lives by fasting unto death.Thus, Angada casting aspersions on Sugreeva and his ruthless commands, takes such a desperate decision which the other monkeys agreed to.
Hanuman then intervened collecting his political wisdom and decides to adopt the second strategy of the four, namely 1. saama, 2. bEda, 3, dhAna, 4. dhandam, as
saama = reconciliation,
dhAna, dhandam = carrot & stick policy are of lesser significance then.
Hanuman strongly felt that :
1. avoiding to go to Kishkinda and establishing a separate kingdom for Angada at Riksha bhilam will add to the fury of Sugreeva more than their failure to locate Seetha. Sugreeva knows all the places they had been and can reach them in no time to settle his wrath.
2. Lakshmana is no less to him to avenge their betrayal to Rama.
3. So Rama is the only hope to save them all from either self inflicted death or by Sugreeva's Decree and shall therefore go back to Kishkinda and prostrate at the feet of Rama to be excused for their failure.
Temple or Alayam means God's abode where His creations rests with the Creator. The return of the effect to its causal form.
Aa + layam = complete reversal of the effect to the causal form, where the causal form is the Brahman (whole) and the effects are the Soul (part). i.e. Liberation of the Soul to its purest form. The impurity here is the enslaved Soul in a body of tri-gunas and its liberation to purest form means all the ingredients and the attributes of the Brahman (whole) are revealed in the Soul (part) in a smaller degree, such that the part is identical to the whole when taken qualitatively and different when taken quantitatively

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