Sunday 2 March 2014

RamarpaNam # 484 => 491.

Jai Sita Ram.

Anguliya pradanam - அங்குளீ யப்  பிரதானம்.

The story of Rama is sweet and simple and a thoroughfare to Divinity. Intellect, knowledge or wisdom in Atma, if it be a lotus, the sun which sprouts it is the Guru. He is called Guru because, he dispels the darkness called ignorance with the use of knowledge as light. 

Hanuman, without revealing himself, began to narrate the story of Rama in a sweet and gentle voice that Seeta could hear, nudging hope in lieu of despair. 

There was the King called Dasaratha, an eminent descendant of the Ikshvaku clan with all virtues and possessed chariots, elephants and horses of great number. He stood for truth, divinity and non-violence. For several 1000 years he ruled the city of Ayodhya happily and gave happiness to others but was not blessed with a male heir to succeed. He therefore invited Sage Rishyasinga to help perform Putra-kAmesti yanjna, subsequent to which and by the grace of God, four children of sterling qualities were born to him. Of them, the eldest one is Rama, having moon-like face. All the four graduated under the tutelage of Vasishta and Rama, the best among the archers by the command of his father went on exile to forest with wife and brother. In the forest Rama had to fight with many demons and kill Khara and his fellows, inviting the wrath of Ravana. He then took away Seeta making Rama go behind an elusive-deer at Janasthana. 

While wandering in search of Seeta and guided by Jatayu and Kabhanda, Rama be-friended the monkey called Sugreeva and for whose sake Rama killed Vaali and en-throned him as vanara-King. In keeping with the promise given to Rama, Sugreeva sent thousands of monkeys to all the four quarters of the earth in search of Seeta, His broad eyed-pretty wife.  By the words of Sampati, I the swift among the monkeys crossed the 100 yojana sea to reach here and have found Seeta, matching all descriptions given by Rama. 

These words from Hanuman filled Seeta with wonder and delight. She scanned the canopy, the earth below and sideways but no one matching the voice was found by Her. She  however. saw Vayu-kumara, the minister from King Sugreeva in the form of a little monkey, perched on a tree branch above Her, like a newborn Sun at dawn. 

She looked above expecting that the Lord and the savior of elephant King Gajendra had arrived. She looked beneath, expecting  Her Mother Earth has taken pity on Her to assuage Her suicidal thoughts. She finally saw Hanuman at the branch top like the Aurora of a morning Sun - Arunodhaya fore telling the arrival of the Sun at dawn. So much so, Hanuman's arrival is the forerunner to Rama's arrival at Lanka to annihilate Raavana and rescue Seeta.

Hanuman has several names to his credit. Sage Valmiki aptly mentions here the sighting of Vaatatmaja, the son of Vayu by Seeta, implying that PraNa-vayu, sustains life in this universe, so also Seeta by Hanuman.

Seeta caught between delight and wonder, rejoiced at first and then grew suspicious of the form She saw and the voice She heard. Wondered it to be a dream and not real and if seeing monkey in a dream is a bad omen, Let God be with Rama, Lakshmana and His Kinsmen at Mithila, She prayed. Realising that She is not asleep and it is real and not dream, Seeta wished that whatever Hanuman had voiced or said be true.  

At this point, Hanuman descended to the ground and stood before Mother Seeta, with joined hands and head bowing asked: 

With tears falling like droplets off a lotus leaf, are you the Goddess among the Naga-women? or Rohini separated from moon-God?  Your feet gracing the ground and wailing like humans - are you the Princess carried off by Ravana? Blessed I become to see you, the beloved of Rama,my Master -  accosted Hanuma.

Seeta revealed Herself that She is indeed the wife of Rama, narrating the story as to how Rama and Lakshmana had to go to Dandaka forest and how She was snatched by Ravana from there etc. ''He has kept me a 
prisoner here in this Asoka garden. Of the time limit of twelve months he has set for me, only two more months remain. When they are over I shall end my life'' - Thus spoke Seeta overwhelmed by grief.

Comforting Seeta, Hanuman said that Rama is safe. Lakshmana too has sent his salutation to you. Amidst the blossoming of affection and belief, Seeta exclaimed that hope lasts until life exist. Hanuman took a few steps forward and Seeta again grew suspicious that Ravana has come in the guise of a monkey to grab Her. By another thought that Her experiencing care, concern and friendship towards Hanuman, She thought this can not be Ravana. ''If you are indeed a messenger sent by Rama, tell me more about Him'', She asked. 

With a view to assail the doubts and fear that gripped Seeta, Hanuman extolled Rama and His victory in as much a certainty of rescuing Her from Ravana's place.  That it is his good fortune to have seen Her alive and that there will be no more loss of time. Do not grieve, have faith Oh! Mother -  Said Hanuman.

To make sure beyond doubt, Seeta again asked how did Rama first meet the Vanaras and how their friendship happened? etc. For which Hanuman explained fully how Vali and Sugreeva quarrelled and all that happened up to his arrival in Lanka and the secret searches he made in Ravana's court-yard to club-house. Excited in Rama's desolation in separation from Her and the ascetic life He is leading, Seeta forgot Her own sorrow and longed to see Him instantly. At that. Hanuman placed the signet-Ring- ராம நாமாங்கித கணையாழி - that he brought. She received it. Adored it in both Her eyes with limitless joy, reposing complete faith and affection in Hanuman.

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