Thursday 30 January 2014

RamarpaNam # 448 => 449.

Jai Sri Ram.

Hanuman readies to get, set & go :

As guided by Sampaati, the monkeys come to the ocean looking for the isle of Ravana and the hiding place of Seetha. On seeing the ocean shore-line, the Vanaras are awestruck with despair and dismay questioning in them as to who could negotiate this vast water body of no shore. Angada bracing courage in all of them inquired as to who can hurdle over the 100 yojana distance and be truthful to the task set by Sugreeva like a determined venture r. 

Angada is despaired as none is coming forward nor he is able to go, he being the high-ranking command-in-chrge who is not let in the first instance. Then Gaja, Gavaaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamaadana, Mainda and Dvivida, and Susheshana, including Jambavan all in unsure voice expressed their capabilities in the matter of leaping the ocean. 

Gaja said I can fly 10 yojanas, Gavaaksha - 20. Gavaya - 30. Sharabha - 40, Gandhamaadana - 50, Mainda - 60, Dvivida - 70, Susheshana - 80, Jambhavan - 90 while Angada said he can cross the 100 yojana and reach the other side but coming back may be doubtful. So none could go and return as such.  Angada said ''If I am not proceeding to Lanka, nor any other monkey is proceeding, we have to self-immolate and end our lives here itself, as voiced by me earlier'.

Rejecting his idea, Jambavan pointing to Hanuman, who is seated aloof in a corner unconcerned as though of the happenings around, started motivating him in achieving the mission of search for Seetha. 

He then gives an account of  Hanuman's birth, unraveling the latent spirits in Him. He has prowess matching Sugreeva, the King of monkeys. The strength of his arms match the strength of the winged mighty bird, Garuda. He is born of Anjana, an Apsara woman and Kesari, the wind-God. There after as a boy, seeing the rising Sun as a ripen fruit, he flew towards the Sun to catch it. On seeing Anjaneya going over the heavens, Indra is angered and hit him with Vajrayuda causing his ''swollen hanu''. Enraged by this the wind-God, withdrew himself from circulation causing the three worlds go breathless. The Gods of the universe to appease him granted all powerful boons one better than another making Hanuman the strongest and all the more equal to the wind-God in flying powers. The four-headed Brahma made him a Brahmajnani etc. Praised by him thus, Hanuman realized that he alone is gifted with all such endowments among them.

Arise, leap over this vast ocean, Oh! Hanumah! just like Lord Vishnu who measured all the three worlds by His foot - All Vanaras encouraged Hanuman thus, who increasing his physique manifold, readied for a leap of his life time significance. 

In other words, Lord Vishnu who incarnated as Vamana and leaped to help Indra reclaim his lost Wealth here need a similar help from Hanuman in this Avatar as Rama to re-unite the distanced Seetha, She too a wealth so close to His bosom as ambrosia to others.    

This deed of "GATAKA KRUTYAM" by Hanuman beholds Him on par to an "Acharya", giving Atman in marriage to Paramatma, a longing that culminates in blissful service to the Lord in His World of Eternity.

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