Wednesday 26 February 2014

RamarpaNam # 478 => 483

Jai Sri Ram.

Miruta Sanjeevini Nama Vaibhavam.

Ravana, the name itself means that he makes others cry. As soon as Ravana left, the Rakshasis pounced on Seeta with anger and spoke harsh words. Seeta who was unafraid and bold till now trembled at the very sight of them. Ekjata talking about Ravana's birth, bravery and his manliness suggested that Seeta is best suited to become his wife. ''He is not anybody. Marry him and be happy'', said another. Finally all said that the choice is Hers'. If she rejects his offer, She must surely die.

Seeta hearing these words wailed terribly. Confronting them that no wife would think of giving up her husband for what ever boasted of Ravana, She said She belongs to Rama as inseparably as the brightness to the Sun. 

Disgusted of Her. the Rakshasis said ''let us kill Her and share the flesh with drink and rejoice the kuNaalai koothu, at the Altar of GoddessNikumbhila''. Hearing this Seeta broke down and cried openly. Even while lamenting, Her mind was fixed on Rama. 

''If Jatayu was alive Rama would have come to know of my abduction by Ravana. But he gave up his life trying to rescue me. I am Not sure either that Lakshmana met Rama or not. I am left to suffer on account of my own sins, Seeta thought for a moment and returned to the thinking that Rama must be alive, as She would otherwise be dead''.

''Life without Rama is unthinkable to Me. Whether Rama is alive or Ravana had killed Him by some trick is not known. Whether Lakshmana met Rama, after I sent him behind Rama? I am not sure of these in dreams even, as I am deprived of sleep altogether. So let Me hang Myself tying the hair around the neck and jump from a branch of this Simsupa tree'' -- Seeta's mind wandered so, from one thought to another like a boat tossed between waves of troubled sea water. 

Atma hatti or suicide is a sin. But when it comes to life withoutParamatma for Azhwar in Naayika bhavam, says She would forsake Her body, Soul, beauty and glamour not serving Her Hero's purpose. 

ஏறாளும் இறையோனும்  திசைமுகனும் திருமகளும் கூறாளும்  தனியுடம்பன்  ....
மாறாளன் கவராத மணிமாமை குறைவிலமே. (தி.வா.மொழி-4-8-1)

Inspite of crying out His heart, the Lord did not make His appearance. Then Azhwar thinks that if the Lord does not want him and his ornaments etc. he too does not want them.  He expresses these sentiments in this particular Decad, in Naayika bhavam. Seeta too comes to such a state of mind and talks of taking Her life away in dejection of being neglected by Rama.

It is true that even good people undergo sufferings in this fashion in their life, because of sins borrowed from previous births but would certainly make them wise not to accumulate further in the current birth.

Meanwhile Trijata, daughter of Vibeeshana, rebuked the Rakashasis recalling the dream she had just before dawn, in which Rama and Seeta mounted on an elephant go in victory procession while Ravana seated on a donkey travelled south, to the abode of Yama,the Lord of the deceased. So she advised the Rakshasis not to outrage Seeta and rather seek pardon falling at Her feet. 

As Trijata was speaking like this to her companions, Seeta experienced good omens such as beating of Her left eye rapidly etc.  Witnessing the happenings from above, Hanuman wanting to prevent Seeta from slaying Herself, analysed several of the options going across his mind.

Getting over the sea and seeing Seeta,  Hanuman thought that his job is half done, especially when Seeta wants to end Her life. So wanting to talk to Her, instill hope in Her, he should first desist Her from giving up life. Then what would be the form and language he would take to talk to Her? Language of monkeys would be genuine but Seeta may not understand. Sanskrit would be communicable but a monkey talking Deva-pashaa may appear to Her as a trick played by Ravana and that would again frighten Her leading to disastrous ends, perhaps.

I should not do things in a hurry. King Sugreeva and Rama would be eagerly awaiting my return and so I should not do anything that would startle Seeta or the Rakshasis, by which a commotion arise and I get caught or injured jeopardising my return. Therefore, I must approach Seeta in such a way that She would not doubt my good intent as it is. The best way is to recite the Name and Story of Rama, Her heart throb and an installer of life in the dead. 

Deciding so, Hanuman began to utter the sweet words ''Rama'', ''Rama'' in low key such that it fell on Seeta's ears gently. 

Monday 24 February 2014

RamarpaNam # 470 => 477.

Jai Sri Ram.

Ravana's blabberings & Seeta's compassion :

Just before dawn, Ravana woke up from his sleep amidst chanting of Vedic hymns by Bards.  The moment he woke up, he thought of Seeta and proceeded towards Asoka Vana, where She is kept. 

The Rakshasa King, neatly dressed with ornaments all over and gleaming in the dim torch lights around with the Royal umbrella behind walked in to the park.  He comes with the hope of getting her consent to marry him. 

At his sight, seeta was overwhelmed by fear and grief, coiled her body with foot and hand, as though surrounded by fire on all the four sides. She sat trembling bereft of any jewels and her body without bathe was covered by dust. Yet She shone like a lotus flower fallen on dirt and the power of chastity shielded Her modesty. Hanuman sitting on a tree-branch effectively covered himself to watch the proceedings happening underneath.

Hanuman was waiting for the right moment to meet Seeta, introduce himself to hand over the Ring, with Rama's name engraved on it and instill confidence in Her that Rama will arrive to rescue Her soon.

The Rakshasis who guarded Seeta were offensively  ugly. Some had only one eye, some one ear. Few were without ears and a few without noses. Some had noses turned upward. Some were bald, while some had vault like stomachs and some had camel lips. Some had hunchbacks. Some were dwarfs and some tall like palm-trees. Swine-face, tiger-face, buffalo, goat-face, all were seen. Added to that they were holding spears and other weapons in their hands. Their cruelty weighed in terms of killer of so many Rishis, destroyer of so many yajnas etc. 

This is in utter contrast to the claim and calibre of Gopa-kanyas who by their beauty and glamour, leave Krishna starve for their union say for 10 days, 20 days, 1 month, several months etc.

Hanuman felt like jumping on those Rakshasis at once and finish them all. But he restrained himself to save his mission of ambassadorship from Rama.  

Ravana blabbered the following to justify his solicitation to Seeta, making Her plunge in  the sea of sorrow:

1. It is lawful for a Rakshasa to take another's wife, even by force but he is only begging Her.
2. His desire is that She should care him as much as he does.
3. Being beautiful, Seeta is not worthy of sorrow. 
4. Giving Her consent, She will be the first among the queens and all his wealth, Kingdom and the worlds he won, be Hers to rule.
5. Rama deprived of His Kingdom is a wanderer in forest and He can not equal me, said Ravana. So pity me and love me, he  pleaded.

காம ஏஷ: குரோத  ஏஷ:  ரஜோகுண சமுத்பவ: - So proclaims Sri Krishna in His Geeta. To extinguish fire, the fire wood need to be drawn out of hearth instead of loading further logs into it. So much so, furthering lust will not end lust. 

Seeta pitying the wretched decides to give Her motherly advice, after all She is the mother of this entire Universe. All the sacred Hymns praise Her care, concern and Compassion towards all Jeevatmas, as children of a loving Mother. Acting like a bridge between the Lord and His subjects, She does the ''reformation'' on both. Swamy Pillai Lokachar candidly puts the same as follows:

பர்தாவினுடைய படுக்கையையும், பிரஜையினுடைய தொட்டிலையும்,விடாதே இருக்கும் மாதாவைப் போலே, பிரதம சரம பதங்களை விடாதே இருக்கும் இருப்பு.

இருவரையும் திருத்துவது அருளாலே.

Sri Andal in her 18th verse of Thiruppaavai - உந்து மதகளிற்றன் பாசுரம் - talks about all the Jeevas as her play-ball - பந்தார் விறலி உன்மைத்துனன் - meaning that the two vie each other to reach with compassion towards the Jeevas. 

She does this while in Union as well as in Separation from Lord. She always recommends and pleads for our sake and from such a Mother will not Ravana, the condemned one, merit Her Grace?

When Ravana finished speaking, Seeta plucked a blade of grass and placed the same between them, spoke gently laughing at him :

1. Ravana, desire Me not. Turn your heart to your wives and children. 
2. How can you violate Dharma and make wife of another, your own?
3. Is there none in this world to advise you what is right and by that folly Beware that you, your wealth and your race will be destroyed.
4. Listen to me and beg for forgiveness from Rama. Otherwise you will meet with death and destruction as did the Rakshasas of Janasthana, She warned.

''வம்புலாம் கூந்தல் மனைவியைத் துறந்து பிறர்பொருள் தாரம் என்று இவற்றை நம்பினார் இறந்தால் நமன்தமர் பற்றி ஏற்றிவைத்து, எரிஎழுகின்ற செம்பினால் இயன்ற பாவையைப்  பாவீ  தழுவு'' எனமொழிவர் so chides Thirumangai Azhvar too. So do not cast your eyes on another's wife.

The placing of the twig between them by Seeta convey several meaning, as narrated by Sri Periya Achaan Pillai, in his Thani Sloka commentary.

1. It serves as a wall between Her and Ravana, a stranger seeking Her audience.
2. Let the good words expressed act on the twig, if not on Ravana.
3. Ravana's glory worth a trash before Her own.
4. Care too hoods to the Offers Ravana made to Seeta - worth a trivial as the twig.
5. ஞாநேன ஹீந : பசுபி: ஸமாந : -- means ''not knowing the relevant diminish the human to a beast''  . So Ravana, a man by look is a beast by conduct, She implies. 
6. If Rama is considered a Lion, Ravana is a Hare opposed to Him and as the Hare lives on grass, Seeta offers it to be its meal.
7. Ravana's words of death to Seeta, if She fails to oblige him means nothing to Her, as Life is worth a dried grass without Rama to Her.
8. As would Narasingha come from a boulder, So will Rama appear to finish Ravana from this grass, She placed in between.
9. As a means to swear the doomsday of Ravana, She held the grass between them.
10. As the grass is plucked with ease, Ravana's 10 heads would befall Rama's arrows, She implies.
11. The Demoniacal Guru, Sukra lost sight by Vamana's dharbai-finger-ring. Jayanthan, the evil minded son of Indra, had to cry-for-his life, when a grass served the purpose of a Brahmastra by Rama. So also the grass Seeta kept across Ravana shall act - She wants to convey.

She said these to ridicule him with a pale smile in Her lips, implying that:

1. Calling death on Seeta is laughable, as Ravana himself has walked into the Jaws of death, seizing Her.
2. This smile is born out of disgust and not out of desire for the wealth and Kingdom Ravana offered.
3. The pale-smile is due to separation from Her beloved Rama, and a discard as well to Ravana.
4. Ravana's claim for valour is laughable, as he abducted Seeta covertly, when Rama was away.
'5. ''Death is staring at his face and he speaks of valour'' - Seeta thought a while and smiled.
6. The meek shoulders of Ravana ( இளிம்பன்) - do they compare to the broad shoulders (மல்லாண்ட திண்தோள்) of Rama? - Seeta brooded and smiled.
7. Ravana's words and deeds inviting his downfall augur well to the cause of Devas, She thought and smiled.

Comparing Herself to the light and Rama to the sun, advised him further to act good, Beg Rama for forgiveness and escape His anger. As otherwise, like the tree struck by lightning, he will perish - warned She pityingly. 

Will Rama accept Ravana's friendship, needs no debate because :

சக்யம் - பக்தியில் ஒரு வகை.  To beseech His feet in surrender or to hold His hand in friendship or uttering ''nama:'' at His instance are one and the same way of seeking Him. 

ஆத்ம ஸமசகா -- so was Guha , greeted by Rama. 

வணங்கலில் அரக்கன் -- Ravana's self-esteem may not permit falling at His feet. Nonetheless, a hand-shake will suffice as the ''intent'' matters to Him than the ''act'' itself.

விதி தஸ்யஹி தர்மக்ஞ: -- He will be obliged to accept than discard, as He is called சரணாகத வத்ஸல:

எக்குற்றவாளர், எதுபிறப்பு, ஏதியல்பாக நின்றோர், அக்குற்றம், அப்பிறப்பு, அவ்வியல்வே நம்மை ஆட்கொள்ளுமே -- Disqualifications, merit no criterion for rejection in Him.

யதிவா ராவண ஸ்வயம் -- 
தோஷோ யத்யபி தஸ்யஸ்யாத் -- 
ந ஸ்மரதி அபராதானாம் -- All His words as a Purushotama, cast off aberrations if any.

One who keeps the hatred till the end is an Adama.
He who forgets the same with passage of time is a Madyama and 
One who forgives the next moment is an Uttama and 
our Lord is an Uttama Purusha, by thought, deeds and Nature imply so beyond doubt.

தே ந மைத்ரீ பவதி யதி ஜீவிதும் இச்சஸி -- As Seeta ended with stern warning in these words, Ravana's eyes rolled in anger and ordered the Rakshasis to bring Her around some how. ''Two more months remain for you to change. Else you will be sent to my Kitchen and cooked for my meal'', so said Ravana and left the park. 

Seeta on Her part said that She can reduce him to ashes by virtue of Her chastity and yet will refrain, leaving it to be accomplished by Rama's bow. 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

RamarpaNam # 467 = > 469.

Jai Sri Ram.

Hanuman after seeing Seeta, acknowledges Rama's grief, as wanting:

Hanuman saw Seeta for the first time with Her face full of tears and in pitiable state, surrendering to sorrow covertly and overtly. He reasoned Her to be Seeta and made mock of Rama in that He is up to an impossible task of not dying from grief of Seeta's abduction. Praising Him for His virtues, made a mental comparison of both to con conclude that Sri Rama is suited to Seeta in every respect including that of age, character and conduct,  but that black-eyes stacked luxuriously favouring Seeta. 

ரமயதி இதி ராம:  implies that he who affords supreme bliss to others is Rama. On the contrary by preserving His body and not dying from grief for Seeta, implies Him to be a hard-nut and hence is a source of sorrow instead.

Rama being the Lord is blind to others misery or misery doesn't bother Him though?.  Drawing a parallel, the following anecdote may be recalled :

Bhagavat Ramanuja attained the Lotus feet of Lord Sriman Narayana 1117 AD and as the news broke,  few of His disciples grieved to the extent of taking their life jumping from tree top or the like. Others in order to dissuaded them from such act, replied that if at all they meant what they said, their life should have ended the very moment their Master left to His Heavenly abode and having survived moment they need not attempt suicide to end their life. 

Rama surviving the pain of Seeta's separation, is an extraordinary act of collective composure, which Hanuman appreciated.  That made him compare the two. In his considered opinion :

Rama is suited to Seeta with Her well matched character, age and conduct, Her black and beautiful eyes apart - just as  Sri Parasara Bhatta evaluated the unique ''sight'' of Sri Ranga Nachiyaar, juxt opposed to the Manly as well as punishing look of Lord Sri Ranganatha. 

At the time of Seeta''s abduction, She was around 32 years of age and Rama, 38 ensure compatibility betwixt them both.

Quality or attribute wise their passion for the weak and the desolate and the wanton inclusion by both of them just as water would mingle in quality and substance, the two vie to grace others.

By conduct ராமோ விக்ரஹவான் தர்ம:  என்றும் ஸக  தர்ம சரீதவ  என்றும் , the two complement one another.

By merit of their birth, Rama is born of Surya dynasty while Seeta that of Janaka, both having long history of great rulers

The made-for-each other qualities in them are further enhanced by the black-eyed Seeta scoring one shot above Rama whose Sun and Moon like pair of eyes account for countenance as well as grace.

It is for the sake of this Seeta, Rama slain Vali and Kabandha, Viradha, Khara. Dushana were all coloured bloody by Him too. The Vanaras embarked on a mission in search of and Hanuman setting his feet in Lanka. If for Her sake Rama should do all these, She is worth it and furthermore. Abandoning all comforts, She  followed Rama to the forest as husband is the greatest adornment for a woman.

Asoka vana and its flowers, the Moon and its snowy rays expressing strong feeling of love, tormented Seeta, high lighting the absence of Rama's charming presence.

RamarpaNam # 461=> 466.

Jai Sri Ram.

Hanuman's moments of gloom and Seeta's desolation : 

Searching through the inner apartments of Ravana's Palace, his bed room, dinning room, drink room, music room, Seeta is not to be found anywhere. Hanuman, looked at everyone in the women's chamber and wondered how his sight fixed in them blemish not his mind. 

The senses though dowelled cause no enjoyment until the mind co-joins them and the wisdom or intellect experience the pain or pleasure. The Atma then control both. In a chariot driven by horses, its direction depends on the  charioteer and the reins he manoeuvres.So much so our Body being a Chariot where the Soul controls the Mind, guides the senses to a path of righteousness. If the Senses take control of the Mind and when the Atman passively enjoys the out come, it then ends up in misery or sin. 

Hanuman with his  atma-balam - power of control over Soul, looking for Seeta amidst women was not disturbed in mind either. So far he went to every place looking for Seeta and now for a change thought of looking for places not covered  by him hitherto and where Seeta could possibly be. Remembering Sampati's words that Seeta is in Lanka and that can not be false, he went to a Shrine conspicuously behind creepers in the garden near by . But in vain again.

His heart sank and Spirits thwarted, thought of ending his life in dejection. He knew that delinquency or despondency is ignoble. Locked in thought and anxiety asked in himself 'what next?'.  What purpose it serves to search Her, if the Rakshasa have killed Her? Or the Rakshasis have swallowed her? Or She had fallen in the sea while being carried by Ravana? If Seeta is killed, will Rama survive? It is true that Rama is alive and so must be Seeta, he inferred. 

Instead of going back to Sugreeva and tell him that in spite of best efforts Seeta not traceable, it would suit him to stay back in the Island, eating fruits and leaves wherever available and look for an opportunity to finish Ravana for the injustice meted out to Rama by him.

All the while Hanuman relied heavily on his efforts in finding Seeta and that yield no results. Now He dowelled in God's efforts to make Her reveal to him. So much so, he meditated on Rama, in the company of Seeta and Lakshmana, who are ever seated in his bosom and paid tributes to Rudra, Yema, Chandra and the Marut GaNas.  Let Indra, Yema, VaruNa, Kuberahelp reveal Seeta to me, he prayed.

If one can draw parallel to such an effort in Koorathu Azhvan, who while making a prayer to Kanchi Thevap Perumal, to gift the lost sight to him, He mentions as follows :

ஹே ! வரத! சரணமிதி வசோபி மே நோதியாத் 
தவகலு பிரகாதாருதே .....

Just as Hanuman thought similarly, his eyes spotted a beautiful park and jumped up to sit on the high raise walls of Asoka Vana, which is beautiful to be worthy of the beautiful Seeta, housed there. The thick foliage of the vegetation's, the water holes, cuckoos, spotted deer's, swans along with their companions merit the scenic beauty of the park.  The family of trees, namely achaa, asoka, champa, naga, kapimuga, naRuvilli, maa etc. make one wonder it be a park, grove or a forest?  Expecting that Seeta will visit the garden for bathing, washing or any such act therein, Hanuman waited concealed behind the mass of well flowered leaves of a simshubaa tree, observing whatever happening around.

The trees and plants were in full bloom as in April-May (Spring), though Hanuman arrived in the Island around November-December (onset of Winter), suggesting that all the seasons, and the planetary moves rehearsed following Ravana's diktat.

The hallmark of Lanka is its beauty. Asoka vana therein is a rare beauty, a price place of Ravana. In the midst of it was a raised platform - mantap where a woman is seated, uncomprehendingly beautiful with rare blend of purity. She looked pale and exhausted, like the streak of third day ascendancy-Moon. Obscured and wrapped in single garment She shone like a lamp engulfed in smoke. Starved of food and sorrowful, Her hopes dashed and despair pursuing, felt like a female deer losing her own herd is surrounded by a pack of wild dogs.

Hanuman making a comparison of Rama to Her mentally affirmed with conviction that She must be Seeta. The jewels gifted to Her by Anasuya that match the description given by Rama and that were to have been worn by Her, are hanging on branch tops uncared for. Some of them make a pair to those dropped by Her when She was abducted by Ravana.  The saree portion removed by Her to wrap the jewels show similarity to the one She is now wearing. This again is gifted by Anasuya to Seeta and can remain neat and tidy in spite of continuous usage. 

No doubt Rama is a pack of four emotions say Compassion, Pity, Grief and Love for Seeta. She being a woman, He is compassionate; Being dependant He is sympathetic; Being wife, He grieves and being His dear one, He loves Her a great deal. Arduous though He survives while death merit separation from such a lovely and virtuous woman Seeta.  Seeta's heart is in Rama and His in Seeta and that keep both alive. 

His heart then leapt back across the ocean and sought Rama's feet in reverence. If for Her sake Rama should destroy the universe, it is worthy of Her, concluded Hanuma.

Thursday 6 February 2014

RamarpaNam # 455=> 460.

Jai Sri Ram.

Hanuman and His search for Seeta in Lanka :

Hanuman reached the city of Lanka by crossing the ocean with speed and gait. Alighting on a hill top saw forests and gardens and the city of Lanka situated on top of mount Trikuta. Beauty, wealth and secured fortress of the city caught the admiration of even Hanuman, a man of detached desires. The city and the fortress are not inferior to Amaravathi, he thought. Jala-durgam, giri-durgam & vana-durgam are the three natural defence - none can cross or attack and vanquish Ravana - except the adharma he embraced to himself.

First Seeta is alive or not is to be ascertained, How and when I will enter this city is next, Hanuman said this to himself thinking that haste and negligence would cost his mission. Night would be appropriate to enter the city so saying he reduced his size to a monkey as small as a cat.

At the fall of dusk, the Moon with her milky radiance gallaried down the night sky like the white swan darting on a blue rivulet, all the more helping Hanuman in his search. As he approached the gate to enter the city, a rude voice stopped him  from behind questioning as to 'who are you, little monkey? what brought you here?' Hanuman replied saying 'he had come to  have a look at the city and will be gone after a merry go round'. Lankini, the defender of the city struck a blow at the monkey, which Hanuman returned with his left hand bringing her down on the ground in agony. She then realised that the end of Lanka is approaching, as prophesied to her by the God once. So she stepped aside and Hanuman entered the city jumping the wall. He went along the royal streets filled with sounds of fun and joyous life. He examined mansions after mansions, many homes of Rakshasas, that of Prahastan, Mahapaarsvan, KumbakraNan, VibheeshaNan, Suka-SaraNaas, Indrajith, Jambumaali, Sumaali, Rashmiketan, Sooryasastran, Vajrakaayan, Dhoomraakshan, Vidhyutroopan, Sukanaaban, RasvakarNan, YuthOnmathan, Vithdyuthjihvaa, KaraaLan, Visaalan  and also saw many beautiful women but not Seeta. 

There were elephants, horses, chariots and armories around, which he inspected. Variety of Palanquins were on display. Udayana vana, Chitra sala, Natana sala, Kreeta sala, Visranti bhavana, Vasantha mantapa, Summer quarters all were covered. He then entered the palace of Ravana, the central attraction of Lanka and was lost in amazement of its richness and decoration. Gold, silver, ivory, gems and pearls every where and in their midst was the Pushpaka Vimana, a magic fly-vehicle that can house any number and give any thing one desires just like the Nandini Cow of Sage Vasishtha. He plundered this vehicle from his own brother, Kubera.  It is as big as a town in itself with an expanse of 1 yojana length and 1/2 yojana breadth, housingabaraNa sala, paanaka sala, Anna sala, ranjana sala and the like

Hanuman, then entered the palace chambers - official residence of Ravana, filled with every source of delight. The spacious rooms all over women were sleeping in casual attires and careless attitude. He looked at these sleeping women to know if any of them could be Seeta but with utmost self-restraint and without denting his spirit of brahamacharya. How foolish it is to search for Seeta in the company of Ravana? Collecting his wit He said to himself that - this could not be Her place. If destiny is such that a great Soul like Seeta has to suffer like this, how about the lowly blessed then? - He retrospected.

Ravana is asleep on a bed fabulously designed with gold and diamond displaying his majestic yet mighty form. His broad and roughened chest meddling the scars caused by the thunder-bolt Vajrayuda and the tusks of Iravada, lay with his out stretched limbs, like another mount Meru. The women around him have gone asleep, clinging to the musical instruments they were playing;

On seeing Mandodari in the adjoining chambers of Ravana, her perfectly shaped and beautiful feminine features, Hanuman thought her to be Sita and leaped in joy. Condemning him to be foolish, asked himself whether Seeta can sleep so lavishly in stranger's place? Overwhelmed with shame and sorrow, he regretted for his mistake. From a state of dejection, He sprang up and searched every inch of the Palace once again but his heart sank in desperation, as Seeta is not to be found any where.

Every thing here show case Ravana's sensual paradise also under line that as is the King, so are his Subjects or in other words : yatra dur-maargo Rajanu, tatra dur-viruto Praja:

Monday 3 February 2014

RamarpaNam # 450 => 454.

Jai Sri Ram.

Sundara Kandam - Pravesam :

Inline images 1

ஹனுமத் ஸ்துதி  - ஹனுமத்தசகம் :

1. சாரணர் சித்தர் அவர்வழி விண்வழி 
மேருவின்மெல் நின்று இலங்கைகாய்ச் -- சேருவான் 
சீதை யவள்தேடி; பத்தலை ராவணன் 
தீதை யழித்தவன்  பாடு.

2. நினைவாற்றல் புத்தியோடு ஊக்கம் முயற்சி 
அனைய அருந்திறன்  கொண்டு - முனைவான் 
அநுமான்! அவன்தாள் அணைவா ரவர்க்கு 
முனைகிலர் மற்றவர் தாழ்வு.

3. ஆர்வம் அனைய திலையே உயர்வாழ்வில் 
நேர்கவே! ஊக்கம் உளவத்தால் -- தேர்வு!
அதுகொண்டு நம்அநுமன் ஒண்தாள்சேர்ந் தேற்றும்   
அவர்கொண்ட வாழ்வே சிறப்பு!

4. பணிந்தணைமின் சீதையவள் கேள்வன்! ஒன்றி 
அணையத் தொழுமின் இலக்குவன் -- பேணி 
பணிசெய் இராகவன் பொன்னடிக்காய்! அத்தால் 
துணையாம் அநுமன் நமக்கு.

5. விருப்பு! வெறுப்பு! அதன்வாய் துயரம்!
திருத்தலாம் காழ்ப்பு! பீதி! -- நிறுத்த 
நடுநிலை புத்தி! அதுகொண் டனுமன்தாள் 
நாடுதலைக் கற்பார்க்கு ஏற்ப்பு !

6. கமலம்போல் கண்கள்! கணைகழலும் அக்தே !
நிமலத் தடியார்தம் உள்ளக் -- கமலம் 
புகுந்தருள் ஜானகிதான் கேள்வன்! அவர்க்காய் 
மிகுவம் அநுமன் தொழுது!.

7. வலத்தினன் ராமன்! அவர்க்கதே வாகை!
இலக்குவன் தோள்வலிக் காரே -- இலக்காவார்?
கோசல நாடுடை வள்ளற் கடியவன் 
தேசுலாம் அவ்வநுமன் போற்று!.

8. கற்புடை மாதற் குலமகள் ஜானகிதன் 
சொற்கொடு தீண்டா நெருப்புமே! -- கற்றூண் 
இலங்கை எரிப்பான் அநுமான் ! அதுவால் 
துலங்கு மவன்தாள் புகுந்து!

9. அரக்கர் குலைத்து, அரவிந்தப் பாவை 
சிரமம் தொலையவே ராமன் -- சிறையின் 
விடுத்தான்! பட்டத் தயோத்தி புகுவான் 
முடிப்பான் அநுமன் அமைந்து.

10. ஞானம்! வலிமை! புகழ்!துணிபு! என்றிவை 
தானும், கலவாமே அச்சமும் -- ஆனவுயர்  
நன்னிலை முந்துறச் சேரும், அனுமந்தாள் 
சென்னிமேல் சிந்தித் திருந்து!

11. இராம ஸ்துதி :

தயரதன் தோன்றலே! சீதை மணாளா!
பயற்றுவர் இல்லாப்  பெரியோய்! -- உயர் மணியே!
வாளரக்கர் போர்மாள தார்த்தடம் தோளாளா  !
ஆளுனக்கு அம்புயம்போல் கடக்கு!

Neither Rama nor Seetha is happy. Hanuman is yet to sight Seetha in Lanka while Angada, Jambavan and others are languishing without food and respite on the other side of the shore, pinning hopes on Hanuman's mission to succeed. How then this Kanda be called 'beautiful' Kanda? The reason however is as simple as follows :

ஸு ந்தரே ஸு ந்தரோ ராம:
ஸு ந்தரே ஸு ந்தரி  கதா |
ஸு ந்தரே ஸு ந்தரி  சீதா 
ஸு ந்தரே ஸு ந்தரம்  வனம் ||
ஸு ந்தரே ஸு ந்தரம் காவ்யம் 
ஸு ந்தரே  ஸு ந்தரோ  கபி: |
ஸு ந்தரே ஸு ந்தரம் மந்த்ரம் 
ஸு ந்தரே கிம்ந  ஸு ந்தரம்?

Every thing about Ramayana is beautiful.  Its Hero, His Consort, The Epic as well as His Mantra.  Hanuman the fly-jumper of no ordinary talent is beautiful of all of them. 

Sundara Kanda describes at length that very Hanuma's preparations to cross the ocean in search of Seetha. His flight over the ocean and encountering of MainakaSurasa and Simhika are made out in this opening Sarga.

It is generally believed that Seetha is taken away by Ravana but the truth is otherwise.  To set free the Deva-kanyas,  Seetha walked into Ravana's captivity - so says Swamy Pillai Lokachariyar confirming that  ''இராமாயணத்தால் சிறை இருந்தவள் ஏற்றம் சொல்லிற்று '' . Just as Lord Vishnu, who flew down to Gajendra's rescue, shoved off Garuda Himself, instead of  His vahana peddling Him to the scene of peril. 

Positioning himself on Mahendra mountain, Hanuman stood stretched with his head and arms poised for a leap of great sojourn. Offering salutations to the dhik-palakas as well as to the Wind-God, his father,  he grew in size and pressed the mountain with his foot. The zipped mountain shook, the trees shed flowers and the sea swell causing gusty shower of  water.  All the creatures living in the caves came out bewildered. The sages housed there ran to safety. fearing that an end has stuck this world.   Charanas, Siddhas wishing success spoke that Hanuman, the son of Vaayu, wanting to cross the ocean, is performing an impossible task for the love of Rama. 

Released like an arrow from the bow of Rama, Hanuman flew with vigor and prowess of Garuda, the King bird, telling to himself that ''I will go to the city of Lanka and if I do not see Seetha there, will go to the abode of Indra with same speed. If not found there again, then Ravana will be  brought along Lanka de-camped from earth''.

All the trees on the mountain followed him for a distance, as relatives will follow departing visitors. The same fell down in the ocean waters like friends going back after bidding farewell to their dear ones. The sea looked like the star studded sky, with flowers flown up by Hanuman's speed. The sky-borne Hanuma's arms and legs spread out  gave an impression as though the five-headed serpents is coming out of the mountain peak, he then,  like a speeding meteor darted away.

As a mark of gratitude to the Ikshvaku dynasty and by way of return services to the Sahara Princes, in whose digging the sea developed, the ocean-God requested Mainaka, the mountain beneath her waters, to raise above the sea level, such that Hanuman can rest for a while  and proceed further with ease. 

The mountain too owed  its gratitude to the wind-God, when Indra clipped the wings of  the mountains, which once were mobile and were trampling habitats indiscreetly.  Mainaka was guided to safety by wind-God and the ocean gave asylum underneath it. 

Hence the two felt that honouring  the guest is Dharma and planned to greet him while passing through their door step. Thinking it be  an obstacle initially Hanuman got it down by his chest.  But when seen as worship, he gladly said that ''hospitality is done'' and  flew past with smile. 

As he forged ahead, another obstacle came up in the form of Surasa, the mother of the Nagas, who with intent to test the courage and intelligence of Hanuman stood up his way and said ''you have been given as food to me. I will eat you. Enter my mouth now'',  So saying she yawned her mouth to gulp him. Replying that he is going for the sake of Rama, she ought to help and not trouble him. unheeded, she said that he can not go without entering her mouth. Hanuman kept on increasing his size such that she will struggle to swallow. But she too widened her jaw. Hanuman then suddenly reducing himself to thumb-size, entered her mouth and got out with great speed.  Appreciating his courage and intelligence, Goddess Surasa blessed him to achieve the task he is in.

That is not the end of it. The third obstacle surfaced in the form of  Simhika, who is capable of catching her pray by its shadow, started pulling down the speed of Hanuman, with all her powers. Acting wisely, Hanuman entered her enlarged mouth and  caused damage to her internal organs with his nails and escaped to safety, acting faster than she could think and react.  Simhika was done to death by the fore thought,courageskill and speed of Hanuman's intellectThese four qualities in a person will not fail in any task.  

At the end of 100 yojanas, to be un-noticed, Hanuman reduced his size and alighted on a mountain peak called  ''Lamba'' . He observed the city of Lanka from the mountain top, that looked like Indra's  Amaravati .

Lord Vishnu had to grow in size from being Vamana to help Indra regain his lost Kingdom while Hanuman compressed him from a virat size to help the same Indra, through Rama Seva.