Wednesday 12 February 2014

RamarpaNam # 467 = > 469.

Jai Sri Ram.

Hanuman after seeing Seeta, acknowledges Rama's grief, as wanting:

Hanuman saw Seeta for the first time with Her face full of tears and in pitiable state, surrendering to sorrow covertly and overtly. He reasoned Her to be Seeta and made mock of Rama in that He is up to an impossible task of not dying from grief of Seeta's abduction. Praising Him for His virtues, made a mental comparison of both to con conclude that Sri Rama is suited to Seeta in every respect including that of age, character and conduct,  but that black-eyes stacked luxuriously favouring Seeta. 

ரமயதி இதி ராம:  implies that he who affords supreme bliss to others is Rama. On the contrary by preserving His body and not dying from grief for Seeta, implies Him to be a hard-nut and hence is a source of sorrow instead.

Rama being the Lord is blind to others misery or misery doesn't bother Him though?.  Drawing a parallel, the following anecdote may be recalled :

Bhagavat Ramanuja attained the Lotus feet of Lord Sriman Narayana 1117 AD and as the news broke,  few of His disciples grieved to the extent of taking their life jumping from tree top or the like. Others in order to dissuaded them from such act, replied that if at all they meant what they said, their life should have ended the very moment their Master left to His Heavenly abode and having survived moment they need not attempt suicide to end their life. 

Rama surviving the pain of Seeta's separation, is an extraordinary act of collective composure, which Hanuman appreciated.  That made him compare the two. In his considered opinion :

Rama is suited to Seeta with Her well matched character, age and conduct, Her black and beautiful eyes apart - just as  Sri Parasara Bhatta evaluated the unique ''sight'' of Sri Ranga Nachiyaar, juxt opposed to the Manly as well as punishing look of Lord Sri Ranganatha. 

At the time of Seeta''s abduction, She was around 32 years of age and Rama, 38 ensure compatibility betwixt them both.

Quality or attribute wise their passion for the weak and the desolate and the wanton inclusion by both of them just as water would mingle in quality and substance, the two vie to grace others.

By conduct ராமோ விக்ரஹவான் தர்ம:  என்றும் ஸக  தர்ம சரீதவ  என்றும் , the two complement one another.

By merit of their birth, Rama is born of Surya dynasty while Seeta that of Janaka, both having long history of great rulers

The made-for-each other qualities in them are further enhanced by the black-eyed Seeta scoring one shot above Rama whose Sun and Moon like pair of eyes account for countenance as well as grace.

It is for the sake of this Seeta, Rama slain Vali and Kabandha, Viradha, Khara. Dushana were all coloured bloody by Him too. The Vanaras embarked on a mission in search of and Hanuman setting his feet in Lanka. If for Her sake Rama should do all these, She is worth it and furthermore. Abandoning all comforts, She  followed Rama to the forest as husband is the greatest adornment for a woman.

Asoka vana and its flowers, the Moon and its snowy rays expressing strong feeling of love, tormented Seeta, high lighting the absence of Rama's charming presence.

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