Thursday 6 February 2014

RamarpaNam # 455=> 460.

Jai Sri Ram.

Hanuman and His search for Seeta in Lanka :

Hanuman reached the city of Lanka by crossing the ocean with speed and gait. Alighting on a hill top saw forests and gardens and the city of Lanka situated on top of mount Trikuta. Beauty, wealth and secured fortress of the city caught the admiration of even Hanuman, a man of detached desires. The city and the fortress are not inferior to Amaravathi, he thought. Jala-durgam, giri-durgam & vana-durgam are the three natural defence - none can cross or attack and vanquish Ravana - except the adharma he embraced to himself.

First Seeta is alive or not is to be ascertained, How and when I will enter this city is next, Hanuman said this to himself thinking that haste and negligence would cost his mission. Night would be appropriate to enter the city so saying he reduced his size to a monkey as small as a cat.

At the fall of dusk, the Moon with her milky radiance gallaried down the night sky like the white swan darting on a blue rivulet, all the more helping Hanuman in his search. As he approached the gate to enter the city, a rude voice stopped him  from behind questioning as to 'who are you, little monkey? what brought you here?' Hanuman replied saying 'he had come to  have a look at the city and will be gone after a merry go round'. Lankini, the defender of the city struck a blow at the monkey, which Hanuman returned with his left hand bringing her down on the ground in agony. She then realised that the end of Lanka is approaching, as prophesied to her by the God once. So she stepped aside and Hanuman entered the city jumping the wall. He went along the royal streets filled with sounds of fun and joyous life. He examined mansions after mansions, many homes of Rakshasas, that of Prahastan, Mahapaarsvan, KumbakraNan, VibheeshaNan, Suka-SaraNaas, Indrajith, Jambumaali, Sumaali, Rashmiketan, Sooryasastran, Vajrakaayan, Dhoomraakshan, Vidhyutroopan, Sukanaaban, RasvakarNan, YuthOnmathan, Vithdyuthjihvaa, KaraaLan, Visaalan  and also saw many beautiful women but not Seeta. 

There were elephants, horses, chariots and armories around, which he inspected. Variety of Palanquins were on display. Udayana vana, Chitra sala, Natana sala, Kreeta sala, Visranti bhavana, Vasantha mantapa, Summer quarters all were covered. He then entered the palace of Ravana, the central attraction of Lanka and was lost in amazement of its richness and decoration. Gold, silver, ivory, gems and pearls every where and in their midst was the Pushpaka Vimana, a magic fly-vehicle that can house any number and give any thing one desires just like the Nandini Cow of Sage Vasishtha. He plundered this vehicle from his own brother, Kubera.  It is as big as a town in itself with an expanse of 1 yojana length and 1/2 yojana breadth, housingabaraNa sala, paanaka sala, Anna sala, ranjana sala and the like

Hanuman, then entered the palace chambers - official residence of Ravana, filled with every source of delight. The spacious rooms all over women were sleeping in casual attires and careless attitude. He looked at these sleeping women to know if any of them could be Seeta but with utmost self-restraint and without denting his spirit of brahamacharya. How foolish it is to search for Seeta in the company of Ravana? Collecting his wit He said to himself that - this could not be Her place. If destiny is such that a great Soul like Seeta has to suffer like this, how about the lowly blessed then? - He retrospected.

Ravana is asleep on a bed fabulously designed with gold and diamond displaying his majestic yet mighty form. His broad and roughened chest meddling the scars caused by the thunder-bolt Vajrayuda and the tusks of Iravada, lay with his out stretched limbs, like another mount Meru. The women around him have gone asleep, clinging to the musical instruments they were playing;

On seeing Mandodari in the adjoining chambers of Ravana, her perfectly shaped and beautiful feminine features, Hanuman thought her to be Sita and leaped in joy. Condemning him to be foolish, asked himself whether Seeta can sleep so lavishly in stranger's place? Overwhelmed with shame and sorrow, he regretted for his mistake. From a state of dejection, He sprang up and searched every inch of the Palace once again but his heart sank in desperation, as Seeta is not to be found any where.

Every thing here show case Ravana's sensual paradise also under line that as is the King, so are his Subjects or in other words : yatra dur-maargo Rajanu, tatra dur-viruto Praja:

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