Wednesday 12 February 2014

RamarpaNam # 461=> 466.

Jai Sri Ram.

Hanuman's moments of gloom and Seeta's desolation : 

Searching through the inner apartments of Ravana's Palace, his bed room, dinning room, drink room, music room, Seeta is not to be found anywhere. Hanuman, looked at everyone in the women's chamber and wondered how his sight fixed in them blemish not his mind. 

The senses though dowelled cause no enjoyment until the mind co-joins them and the wisdom or intellect experience the pain or pleasure. The Atma then control both. In a chariot driven by horses, its direction depends on the  charioteer and the reins he manoeuvres.So much so our Body being a Chariot where the Soul controls the Mind, guides the senses to a path of righteousness. If the Senses take control of the Mind and when the Atman passively enjoys the out come, it then ends up in misery or sin. 

Hanuman with his  atma-balam - power of control over Soul, looking for Seeta amidst women was not disturbed in mind either. So far he went to every place looking for Seeta and now for a change thought of looking for places not covered  by him hitherto and where Seeta could possibly be. Remembering Sampati's words that Seeta is in Lanka and that can not be false, he went to a Shrine conspicuously behind creepers in the garden near by . But in vain again.

His heart sank and Spirits thwarted, thought of ending his life in dejection. He knew that delinquency or despondency is ignoble. Locked in thought and anxiety asked in himself 'what next?'.  What purpose it serves to search Her, if the Rakshasa have killed Her? Or the Rakshasis have swallowed her? Or She had fallen in the sea while being carried by Ravana? If Seeta is killed, will Rama survive? It is true that Rama is alive and so must be Seeta, he inferred. 

Instead of going back to Sugreeva and tell him that in spite of best efforts Seeta not traceable, it would suit him to stay back in the Island, eating fruits and leaves wherever available and look for an opportunity to finish Ravana for the injustice meted out to Rama by him.

All the while Hanuman relied heavily on his efforts in finding Seeta and that yield no results. Now He dowelled in God's efforts to make Her reveal to him. So much so, he meditated on Rama, in the company of Seeta and Lakshmana, who are ever seated in his bosom and paid tributes to Rudra, Yema, Chandra and the Marut GaNas.  Let Indra, Yema, VaruNa, Kuberahelp reveal Seeta to me, he prayed.

If one can draw parallel to such an effort in Koorathu Azhvan, who while making a prayer to Kanchi Thevap Perumal, to gift the lost sight to him, He mentions as follows :

ஹே ! வரத! சரணமிதி வசோபி மே நோதியாத் 
தவகலு பிரகாதாருதே .....

Just as Hanuman thought similarly, his eyes spotted a beautiful park and jumped up to sit on the high raise walls of Asoka Vana, which is beautiful to be worthy of the beautiful Seeta, housed there. The thick foliage of the vegetation's, the water holes, cuckoos, spotted deer's, swans along with their companions merit the scenic beauty of the park.  The family of trees, namely achaa, asoka, champa, naga, kapimuga, naRuvilli, maa etc. make one wonder it be a park, grove or a forest?  Expecting that Seeta will visit the garden for bathing, washing or any such act therein, Hanuman waited concealed behind the mass of well flowered leaves of a simshubaa tree, observing whatever happening around.

The trees and plants were in full bloom as in April-May (Spring), though Hanuman arrived in the Island around November-December (onset of Winter), suggesting that all the seasons, and the planetary moves rehearsed following Ravana's diktat.

The hallmark of Lanka is its beauty. Asoka vana therein is a rare beauty, a price place of Ravana. In the midst of it was a raised platform - mantap where a woman is seated, uncomprehendingly beautiful with rare blend of purity. She looked pale and exhausted, like the streak of third day ascendancy-Moon. Obscured and wrapped in single garment She shone like a lamp engulfed in smoke. Starved of food and sorrowful, Her hopes dashed and despair pursuing, felt like a female deer losing her own herd is surrounded by a pack of wild dogs.

Hanuman making a comparison of Rama to Her mentally affirmed with conviction that She must be Seeta. The jewels gifted to Her by Anasuya that match the description given by Rama and that were to have been worn by Her, are hanging on branch tops uncared for. Some of them make a pair to those dropped by Her when She was abducted by Ravana.  The saree portion removed by Her to wrap the jewels show similarity to the one She is now wearing. This again is gifted by Anasuya to Seeta and can remain neat and tidy in spite of continuous usage. 

No doubt Rama is a pack of four emotions say Compassion, Pity, Grief and Love for Seeta. She being a woman, He is compassionate; Being dependant He is sympathetic; Being wife, He grieves and being His dear one, He loves Her a great deal. Arduous though He survives while death merit separation from such a lovely and virtuous woman Seeta.  Seeta's heart is in Rama and His in Seeta and that keep both alive. 

His heart then leapt back across the ocean and sought Rama's feet in reverence. If for Her sake Rama should destroy the universe, it is worthy of Her, concluded Hanuma.

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